Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Number 5

When I leaved back in Lebanon, me and my cousin where playing outside, when all of a sudden he needs to pee but we have no way inside. We are looking around trying to fin a solution, when we see a big jug of yellow liquid inside. We get very excited thinking that the liquid that was inside was pee, I tell my cousin to just pee inside the jug, so he does. When we see the the two liquids are not mixing we start to freak out a little. But then I find a stick and I tell my cousin to just mix the liquids together and so he does. When my grandma gets home, we ask her out of curiosity what is in that jug and she tells us that it was olive oil. So every time we where at my grandma house to eat we would ask if there was any olive oil in the food and if there are we would not eat it, but the rest of the family would. We spent a good year doing this. It was till 4 years after we moved to Canada that we told our parents the truth about why we wouldn't eat olive oil at my grandma's house anymore. You should have seen they're faces.

Number 6

Growing up me and my brother would always fight over the computer, but oddly enough the only time I ever wanted the computer was when my brother was using it. The fact that my brother is 6 years older then me he would always win and get the computer. Being the fact that I was around the age of 6 and my brother being 12, my parents never really though that I needed the computer and my brother always pretended to have homework on it, so they never argued with him. The one my parents finally agreed to let me use the computer, me being super excited, I grab the laptop and start running down the stairs. I miss a step and trip and fall right on the computer. That computer was broken insistently. Lets just I didn't get touch a computer again till I was the age of 14.

That is the day I learned to take better care of my stuff and that things break very easily. This lesson has been a very useful one specially now with this era where things never seem to last. Now I have stuff that are many years old that work look brand new and work just as good as they look.

Number 7

When I was younger, my neighbors and I always loved to play in the car. We use to pretend to drive the car and we would just have a blast. One day Reese, the neighbor that I always hung out with, decided it would be fun to pretend to drive the car from the driver seat. So as the naive kids that we were, we got in the front seat and was playing with gearshift. We were having the time of our life, when all of the sudden the car is rolling backwards. We could figure out what we had done because we where to busy freaking out and screaming. Our screaming caught my uncles attention and he came running. He jumped in the car and move the car back to the drive, then placed the car in park. When we got out of the car, we were so scared that we never played cars near a real car ever again.

That day I learned that when your parents say no, it's not because their being mean or that they just don't want you to have fun, but because they know what's best for you. Plus 9 out of 10 times the parents are right in the end.