Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Number 5

When I leaved back in Lebanon, me and my cousin where playing outside, when all of a sudden he needs to pee but we have no way inside. We are looking around trying to fin a solution, when we see a big jug of yellow liquid inside. We get very excited thinking that the liquid that was inside was pee, I tell my cousin to just pee inside the jug, so he does. When we see the the two liquids are not mixing we start to freak out a little. But then I find a stick and I tell my cousin to just mix the liquids together and so he does. When my grandma gets home, we ask her out of curiosity what is in that jug and she tells us that it was olive oil. So every time we where at my grandma house to eat we would ask if there was any olive oil in the food and if there are we would not eat it, but the rest of the family would. We spent a good year doing this. It was till 4 years after we moved to Canada that we told our parents the truth about why we wouldn't eat olive oil at my grandma's house anymore. You should have seen they're faces.

1 comment:

  1. Very funny, if horrifying stories.

    Blogs are shorter than the 300 word minimum. A few spelling and grammar mistakes.
    Only 6/10 posts so far + I am still missing your essay.
