Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Number 10

In this blog I am going to talk about the 10 dumbest things that kids tend to do. I will be giving examples from  my personal life as well as examples from my friends lives, all the following stories are true. I will be explaining how these experiences helped us become the people we are today and the things we learn through the experiences. Please fell free to post your personal stories or your comments.

Number 10:

I have a friend, who at 9 years old was going through an ''I love playing with fire" phase. Once she was at her grand parents house and was bored, so she though it was the perfect occasion to play with fire. At the time her grand parents had a gas stove, so she went looking for candles and BBQ sticks and created  her own game. This game consisted of lighting the BBQ sticks and walking the stick across the room to attempt to light the candles. Now my friend has a younger sister, at the time her sister was 4 years old, and looked up to friend. In attempt to bond with my friend, her younger sister decided to join the game. My friend at an attempt to a responsible older sister, she didn't want her sister playing with fire, but her sister wouldn't leave her alone. Now my friend continuing on with her game, lite the BBQ stick and towards the candle, but to get to the candle she had to pass her sister on way. Without my friend noticing, as she was passing her sister, the BBQ stick touched her sister's hair and it caught on fire. When my friend notice her sister's hair on fire, she panicked and started blowing at it. Luckily the fire wasn't to big that she was able to blow it out and only a chunk of her sister's hair got burned off but it was not noticeable. It was so unnoticeable that up to this day no one in her family knows, including her sister. With this horrifying experience, my friend, being a kid, still played with fire but always made sure no one else was around during her little games. 

Now that she is older, she now realizes that playing with fire is not game and this story helped her become who she is today because it helped her realize how easy it is to hurt someone. This experience helped her become a more responsible and a more aware older sister.

1 comment:

  1. This girl!!! I find it funny how she never admited or even mentioned anything of this situation before at all! That's crazy. What is also crazy is that her sister could have really gotten hurt. The fact that if you look at this situation now and think a bit...many more things could have went wrong like her sister actually getting burnt!
