I have a friend, who at 3 years old, she loved to draw on everything and anything she can get her hands on. She would go to extreme points to get what she wanted. One day in the car she had a pen, she was sitting in the back seat and decided to draw on the back of the driver seat. She drew a picture of a family, a sun and rainbow. Then she decided to practice writing her name. A couple days later, while her parent where cleaning out the car, they found her little master piece and found it hilarious. After the laughter had stopped, they went looking for their daughter and brought her back to the car, to ask her who drew on the seat. That's when my friend decided to responded with a plain "I don't know" and she got "The look" from her parents and once again got asked, "who drew the picture on the back of the seat?". Knowing that her parents knew the truth and that she was going to be in trouble, she decided her best bet would be to not respond at all. That's when her parents looked at each other and smiled, then they asked a fallowed up question, "why is your name written on the seat?". She replied with an "it wasn't me, someone else put it there". This went on for a little while. Then her parents decided to just explain to her that they knew she had done it and how lying always made things worse and that she should never lie. After this experience she never drew on anything other then paper again, specially without permission.
This experience thought her to never lie because sooner or later she will get caught and their will be consequences. Because of this experience now my friend almost never lies and when she does their always white lies.
Goes to show that kids how much toddlers suck at lying.This little girl needs to learn how to cover her tracks when it comes to lying. In this particular story I find it halarious how the little girl ended up not saying anyhting and denying the fact that she did not do the drawing and yet her name is there! That just makes me realize how cute kids can be.
ReplyDeleteI actually did something similar when I was about 3-4 years old, but instead of drawing a nice portrait of my family, I decided to scribble randomly with a blue pen all over the seat in my mother's car. Thankfully it was a very old car and ended up being sold for parts later.